Korean Skincare Routine 101

Understanding how to combine different products to provide the optimum solution for the skin is especially important. We will go through this journey by providing all the necessary knowledge regarding:

  • The core Korean skincare routine that everyone needs
  • The differences between product types and when to use them
  • How to choose the right product

Without any further delay, let dive right into this journey by explaining every Korean skincare routine step.


Makeup Remover:

In Korean skincare routine, the of Makeup Remover purpose is to remove foundation, blush, concealer, eyeshadow, and other cosmetics from the surface of the skin.

Most Makeup Remover contain oil, water, and preservative. The majority of them do not contain cleansing and micelle components.


Unlike Makeup Remover, Cleanser focuses on removing dirt, sweat, sebum and other pore-clogging impurities from the skin before they have a chance to mix with bacteria and wreak havoc. In Korean skincare routine, it is especially important to ensure the skin is clean and ready before applying any skincare product.

Generally, some Cleanser can work as a makeup remover; however, it is always better to use them separately as many makeup ingredients are quite stubborn.


Unlike Cleanser which purpose is to remove all the harmful environment factors from the skin, the Exfoliate would help to remove the dead skin. In Korean skincare routine, we believe that the dead skin cells prevent the skin from receiving needed nutrition.

Each day, human skin accumulates millions of dead skin cells, and these can prevent the skin from absorbing nutrients from the skincare products. Hence, we highly recommend to exfoliate once or twice a week.


Depending on the toner’s type, it may contain acids, glycerin, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatories. Toner is a fast-penetrating liquid that helps remove dead cells off the surface of the skin and brings the skin back to its natural acidic state. It even sweeps away all the residues left from cleansing.

The main purpose for a Toner in Korean skincare routine is to prepare the skin for the next skincare step as the dead cells and unbalanced pH level can reduce the skin's absorption ability. With the right toner, it can increase the effectiveness of the skincare products by up to 50%.


Dry skin is not be able to absorb nutrients effectively. To solve this problem, Essence, originally from Korea, has become an important step in Korean skincare routine.

Essence can provide a major boost in moisture, and give the skin a glowing look. Additionally, having a healthy hydrated skin barrier prevents issues like irritation and allows the skin's complexion to be radiant.  Beyond hydration, many essences also contain antioxidants and minerals to help nourish skin.



Serum is a super-concentrated skincare solution with many active ingredients. The serum’s nutrition can be absorbed by the skin quickly. Serum can also target and treat skin issues like dark spots, wrinkles, and dullness effectively.

Due to high levels of active ingredients, serum has a more viscous texture compared to essences, almost oil-like. In Korean skincare routine, Serum is the main step that will nourish the skin.


Ampoules are a higher concentrated version of serum. Hence, they can boost the skin rapidly. Generally, people use them for a finite amount of time. For example, people can use them for a few days or weeks before attending an upcoming event or to treat a major skin crisis.

A general rule of thumb in Korean skincare routine is to apply essence, serum, and ampoules in order from thinnest to thickest in texture. This allows for the best possible absorption.

Facial Mask:

If Essences are the heart of Korean skincare routine, facial masks are the soul. Depending on the skin’s needs, different masks should be used.

The Facial masks stay on the skin for at least 30 minutes up to few hours depending on their type. The Facial mask ensures that the skin will absorb all the nutrition from all skincare products using during the previous steps, and supply more vitamin, and moisture to the skin. Facial mask would also help to relax the face muscle which is crucial to have younger skin.

Eye Mask:

The eye mask has the same purpose as the facial mask in Korean skincare routine, however, it is designed for the eyes only.

Unlike the facial skin, the skin around eyes is extremely sensitive and thin. This is also the first place that shows winkles. Hence, a special care for the skin around your eye is quite important.

Eye Cream:

As mentioned above, the skin around the eyes is very thin and sensitive, hence, special care is needed for this area.

The Eye Cream usually has more gentle ingredients, and sometimes, unique treatment for the eye’s skin such as dark circles, puffiness, or crow’s-feet. With the anti-aging’s need, Eye Cream is a crucial step in the Korean skincare routine.


In Korean skincare routine, Moisturizers can come in many different forms such as Facial Cream, Sleeping Mask, Lotion, Gel or Emulsion. The moisturizer’s purposes are to keep the skin from dehydrated and has many ingredients to keep the skin glowing.

Depending on purposes, different moisturizers can have quite different ingredients to nourish the skin.


Sun Cream:

People usually think that the skin only needs protection from the sun. In fact, the skin also needs to be protected from all sources of light, including indoor lighting such as light bulbs.

Hence, sunscreen needs to be used at all times even though people may be inside most of days. The cream will protect the skin from the UV light and prevent premature aging (even skin cancer).  The sun cream should always be applied at the end of the skincare steps.

How to put together the suitable Korean Skincare routine 

Normally, people do not need to follow every single step. However, they should always have the following Korean skincare routine:

Makeup Removal (if you wear makeup)





Sun Cream

Besides basic Korean skincare routine, it would be better if people do exfoliation at least twice a week right after using cleanser, and before using toner.

Using Masks is also a great add-on for the skincare routine, especially for those who have skin crises.

For people that have dry skin, it is always recommended to use Essence right before applying Serum to help the skin absorb nutrition better.

For people that have oily skin, we would recommend to do double cleansing method by using an oil cleanser then water cleanser to remove any excess oil on the skin,

If anti-aging is the main concern, using Eye Cream right before using Moisturizer would greatly help.


Depending on different skin’s needs, we always have skin care experts to help to choose and pick the right product to develop a suitable Korean Skincare Routine. 

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